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@nna's place
@nna's place
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22 août 2005

I almost died from a heart attack !

This evening, after a long day of hard labour*, I took the subway to head back home.
As I was getting into the train, my right shoe got caught into the doorway. Thinking that the door would soon close hardly, I disengaged my foot of the shoe in order to prevent any ankle breaking.
then my heart stopped : with horror I saw my beloved shoed falling and disappear between the gate and the rails !!

I immediatly jumped out of the wagon on one foot, disoriented. One of my favourite shoes was lying down there, unreachable, alone !!!

One foot bare, I had to get to the upper level and ask the employess for help, feeling all of sudden embarassed and stupid ...
They called me Cinderella and told me I wasn't te first one. I could sit in the office while they were getting my shoe without stopping the traffic (one train every 2 minutes).
After 10 minutes, they came back, gave me my shoe back and told me to get home before midnight ... (did I mention that the trains are orange ?)

I could go back home safely with both shoes ; aren't they lovely ? (mine are black)


* I came back from a 2 weeks/2200 km vacation today, discovering our new offices, tracking the printers in the corridors... My day was actually like a blur ...

Glad you got them back...they're so cute, it would have been a real shame to lose them! :)
The pink one are really gorgeous !
Initiallement, j'ai créé mon premier blog (dont je n'ai pas pas encore recopié toutes les archives ici) afin de participer à une sorte de bourse d'échange entre tricoteuses anglophones. <br /> Mais Livejournal propose peu d'options gratuite (hébergement de photos, stats ...), donc me voici chez Canalblog.<br /> <br /> Et puis j'ai autant besoin de faire travailler mes neurones que mes mains. Mais tu noteras quelques entrées en français... principalement dues à la paresse ...
it should be better than you make you blog in french ....<br /> why in english ?
@nna's place